Thursday, November 4, 2010

Anime guy on a date

This video reminds me why I so much prefer the clichés of porn to those of anime. That girl is awesome, though.

Actually it kind of made me recall how I used to like japanese porn in my teenage years and how I loathe it right now. For the life of me I cannot stand another pseudo-teenager squealing about how cute she is, and how that bad man with the miniature dick is raping her so hard, and don't get me going on the stupid pixelization and certainly not, ever, on yet another fucking high tech vibrator scene pimping for the sony-vibro-plus that could and should perfectly be done without if only a proper big black dick could be procured to sweetly impale the little would-be jap-o-lola up her butthole.

The thing is, I am quite sure those actresses could be put to good use. Somebody tell the japanese about free trade: there's a whole world of male gaijin talent out there. Somebody, anybody, match up miss Ozawa with Rocco Siffredi. Better yet, jailbreak our favorite cowboy, Max Hardcore, and let him have a go!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Suicide by gay teenagers

From the NY times, a most unfortunate turn of word:

"And while suicide by gay teenagers has long been a troubling trend(...)"

Troubling indeed! I don't know how one goes about commiting "suicide by gay teenagers", but it sure sounds way more fun than a gun (or two) in the mouth (I'll leave your dirty mind to figure out the details). So much fun in fact that many might try it out whether they actually want to die or not! I can see the headlines now, "scores die accidentally from recreational suicide by gay teenagers". Move over, David Carradine!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

...and yet...

...another pencil. This one done in "automatic drawing", no planning, no erasing, no shading, just flowing, automatic line, from start to finish in a few of minutes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Order in the House!

That's what we need in this here bordelo! (another pencil, I really got to scan the finished stuff, it's only proper)

Calling all units of Fail: Pedobear Wanted, dead or Alive!

From boingboing, a hilarious but sad piece of news to start the day: Clueless pedo-hysterical cops (or maybe police-state advogates looking for an excuse to stir up a scare) think that Pedobear, 4chan's favorite politically incorrect mascot is...well...I don't know what they think it is, but "the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department alerted local media to warn parents that the image had been adopted by pedophiles and sexual deviants" (Oh noes, deviants!!!) and are out earning their pay by bothering silly geeks who hang out too much at geek conventions and internet boards.

If you are just as clueless as the Sheriff, please check wikipedia, or this nice write-up at gawker on the whole silly thing.

As these guys put it,
"This admittedly risqué line of humor shouldn't be seen as condoning pedophila. Child pornography is banned on 4chan, and the site's users have helped authorities track down pedophiles. But the freedom to joke about it, even offensively, is part of 4chan's ethos of absolute free speech, liberty from censorship, and intentional bad behavior."

Remember freedom of speech? The whole "I may disagree with what you say but I would fight to mild inconvenience for your right to say it?"

Really, people, you are making Pedobear sad.

The whole pedo-histerya, just like the terror hysteria, just like the flu histerya, or the WMD hysteria (that led to a whole pointless, wasteful war), just like all the other ways of inflating (sometimes real, sometimes fictional) dangers beyond their measure and scaring the people out of their wits for political gain, is getting way out of hand. When adult human beings can no longer joke -in good or bad taste- and simple drawings are banned as thought-crimes, then I guess you won't need to worry about pedophiles anymore, simply because we will all, young or old, be reduced to the statute of children living "safely" in a police state.

Thankfully, we now have president Maria Ozawa, and she won't stand for this! Not on her watch! :)

Update: As an antidote of Win to today's stupidity, here's Brass Eye 2001 Special: 'Peadogeddon'.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some Ask if Ozawa Is the Force That Japan Needs (YES!)

Today's headline in the new york times brings a rare glimpse of hope for some much needed wisdom in political affairs. It reads:

Some Ask if Ozawa Is the Force That Japan Needs.

Miss Maria Ozawa, before her speech at the WTO meeting
Now, dear readers, it is clear to anyone who is not blind that miss Maria Ozawa is exactly what is needed, not only to lead Japan, but I even, I would say, the world. Tell me if this isn't change that you can believe in?? I, for one, welcome our news Bukkake-specialist Euro-asiatic pornstar Overlord!

Is this misterious gentleman Miss Ozawa's father?

The only thing I don't understand is why the the new york times story features pictures from some ugly guy picking his nose and performing a silly dance? (Our sources sugest this is Ms Ozawa's father commemorating her political success)

Ms Ozawa's father commemorating with her uncle (traditional japanese dance)

Update: It seems silly dancing runs in the family. So soon and already a political scandal rocks her administration! (We still love you, Maria!)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Eh, touro!!! (yes, this is all I have to say on the momentous question of bullfighting)

Attack of the Rastasaurus

This one is still in the penciling stage.


Promenade avec le chien! Ouf, ouf!

James Jean Hearts Sasha Grey

James Jean does a great sketch of Sasha Grey, here. Lucky, talented chap. :)

Speaking of Sasha, I have to say that I watched "The Girlfriend Experience" and was unimpressed. Sasha's best acting was the one in her Belladona video, by far (link needed :)). Sasha is tough, hardworking, and willing, but she needs good acting direction, and that takes both brains and balls. Belladonna has much more balls than Soderbergh (or most other males for that matter) and she has the right kind of brains for squeezing the best out of Sasha.

Frankly, most "serious" movies are discardable, vacuous crap. The only thing I seem to keep right now is the porn and a couple of old flicks (from back then when they still employed writers).

Pencil sketch of Y.

Y. is a professional escort and my model for today...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Finally, God meets Eve.

(using whiteout instead of a proper background is a time tested trick if you want to focus on the figures. I'll invoke authority and notice that Leyendecker did it all the time.)

Now Muddle It


Eve meets God. It starts out with colored pencils, then it all goes muddy like it fell on Lucian Freud 's filthy talented hands, then it goes shiny and smooth like it got fondled by one of those self-mutilating chicks on deviantart who nobody understands. With a big ejaculation of white-out just to make sure you realize I'm really not a subtle guy, it comes at last to fruition.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Porno ate my brain, hence I came to ye internets to reap my pointless revenge

There I was, just some poor fellah working hard on the farm, and them devils of porn came and ate my brain. Enough is enough, I have a scarecrow and a shotgun, and I'll take bloody revenge upon all your internets. Thus I left my wholesome freehold beyond the hills, infected myself with the blogging virus, and settled down to wait for incubation, like some pregnant wench expecting the emissions of her womb. ("Bare" with me, folks, I'm trying to figure something hideously ptetentious for my "artist's statement").